Dear friends,
I am so sorry for abandoning you again. My excuses are endless, but the main reasons for the huge time gap has been a little bit self discovery, taxes and being a rock for friends in need.
I haven't blogged for over a month and feel totally out of the loop, but in all honesty I had no spare energy to give to my blog. It has been a strange four weeks which on one hand has flown by and the other some days felt like they were never going to end.
One of my topics for self discovery has been my inability to stick at anything. My list book is full of un-checked-off jobs, unfinished projects and my journal full of ideas which I don't see through. Things have now come to a head and I need to get my life and my messy head sorted out. I am fed up with loose ends dangling around and have been using the last few weeks to start to get things sorted out.
1. Taxes - going to have them finished and off to my accountant by end of April.
2. Excercise - have started doing my beloved Beverly Callard video again. I have been putting off starting any excercise for sooo long because I never do it more than 3 times. But I dusted off this old video which I used to do religiously and am starting afresh. I did it four times last week and have made myself a record sheet, so that I can put sparkly stars on the days I do it!
3. I have joined Suzi Blu's Artist Way ning group. I am really excitied about this as I have started the course about 4 times before and never made it past week 3. I now feel ready to commit and see where the journey takes me.
I have put all the other things I need to get done on the back burner for just now. I want to concentrate on these three things for the next 17 days and then I'll see where I am headed. Maybe that has been where I have been going wrong in the past, pilling on too much almost setting my self up to fail.
Heres to new beginnings!
Congrats to you, as you set out on this fresh journey!!!
Sylvia C.
Hi Laura
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog, Your Jewellery is so lovely and I have a bit of a weakness for bird art! I love them. I know how you feel about having big to do lists and not getting through them, I have been feeling the same for months but I feel I'm getting things under control now. I love your excercise record sheet with sparkly stars, its a great idea. Im not one for the gym so we go for long walks instead. I find a walk really refreshing as it gives me time away to think and usually come back full of ideas.
Thanks again for visiting
yay, you are back, lovely!
To new beginnings!
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