pinK letterpress by pink sorbet
I'm sorry I missed last weeks ::day of diy:: post, life just gets you that way sometimes! Anyway, lets get started on instalment number 3 of my ::day of diy:: Press Release. (For anyone just joining us check out my other posts on how to write a press release here.
Todays installment is all about making contact. You now have your press release written and waiting to go out, so lets get on to who we are going to send them to and how to find their details.
I keep all this information on a spread sheet, so it might be worth your while setting up a template that you can print off and add to when you get more information. The best place to start is make a list of all the publications you want to send your press release out. Again, keep in mind your target market/ audience. If you have a copy of the magazine, wonderful, but if not it is no worry.
You are looking to find out the telephone number for the magazine. I sometimes have a look at the magazine's website or their publishers site. Once you have this number you are wanting to call and ask : who the features editor is and their email address. I find that most of the time I get to a switch board and am asked what department I want to get put through to. Sometimes I go for the features dept, the fashion dept or the style dept.
This is how I introduce myself (short & sweet!) once I have reached the right depatment.
Hi, my name is Laura Baillie and I make eclectic vintage style jewellery. I was wondering if you could tell me the best person to email my press release to?
- That would be Jo Missy Editor.
Thanks, do you have an email for her?
- Yes, it is jomissyeditor@myfavoritemagazine.com
Thank you so much for your help!
Now sometimes the person who I am chatting to is the person who wants to see the press release, this is the time to strike while the iron is hot. Once you are off the phone, get your email sent out straight away. This way they remember who you are and you are still fresh in their mind.
Give this a try and let me know how you get on. You don't have to start with 20, just pick one and see how you get on. We all have to start somewhere, and although is can be quite nerve wracking, you'll soon get the hang of it.
1 comment:
You're awesome for putting together all this information! Thanks a lot!
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