You may well be wondering where I've been for the last couple of weeks and the answer is simple. Sat at my desk surrounded by tissue, ribbon and scellotape! On the 17th my "Lacy" bracelet was featured on Etsys Weekend deals email and I have had 38 sales since then! It has been a a delight wrapping all these pieces of jewellery and writing little notes and sending them off to their new owners all around the world.
Once I got all my packages shipped I decided I needed to do a little stock take of supplies and work out what items I needed to restock. So I've had lots of little packages arrive in the last couple of days with beautiful little charms and chains.
I have also had 3 new wholesale orders and have just started working on an excisting wholesale re-order. The customer is looking for lots of pieces from my shop so I'm working on new designs to replace them with, to try and keep my listings at about 80. So I have been juggling creating new pieces and filling these orders. During all this I have decided that it is time for a bit of re-branding so I have designed a new logo, headed paper and inserts for the boxes for my jewels to hang on. I'll let you see them when the boxes arrive.
My ation plan for the next 2 weeks is:
-Make, package and ship all my wholesale orders
-Design, make, list 20 new pieces for the shop
-Design a gift certificate for the shop
-Make up a daily check list for marketing and promotional things I want to do each day
I'll let you know how I'm getting on x
Congratulations Laura, that is wonderful!
Such a beautiful bracelet indeed!
keep busy!
Sounds like things are moving along nicely for you. Congrats on all the sales.
Hello Laura, congrats on all that work that's paying off... hard to call it work when we love it so.
I am trying to grow my garden but I have this buck named Buck and various squirrels... I do have some lovely things on the upper back deck, however! Peppers and basil -- they smell divine.
Good luck with everything you do!
Candace in Athens.
Laura congrats on the super sales! that is so wonderful!
Well done!
* margarida
Well done you...clever sausage :O)
L xxx
Congratulations on your success... you have very nice products...that bracelet looks really cool with a bit of antique side style... Nice to know that there are really women profiting through internet marketing.
Wonderful news. I have been following your etsy experiment series and am happy to hear things are cruising along. I am still waiting for my "big break" into high sales! Keep up the good work!
Wow, you have been a busy lady! The bracelet is just lovely!
That bracelet is GORGEOUS. I'm so going to buy everything from your shop.
Hey Laura! I LOVE this bracelet!!
I was just thinking of you the other day because I was going through my old letters/mail from blog friends, and all of yours touched my heart so much! Thank you for all of your kindness over these past couple years! You have made me smile countless times!!
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