I am listing more new pieces for "Let Me Tell You A Story". Yesterday did not go as planned. My model couldn't make it, she has a sicky bug so I have another beautiful girlie who can help me tonight. But I decided to put the images I have up anyway. Then, all day and until about 1am I struggled to get anything listed on Etsy, and at that point gave up.
But today is a new day and I'm getting things up no problem now. Thank you to everyone who stopped by for a look at the new jewellery. If you haven't had a chance yet they are here.
I am going to start working on a painting commission this evening, a beautiful house built in 1850 I think. I am quite excited about it, from the photos it looks like soft blonde sandstone and it is being hugged by lushious trees. I let you have a look once I'm started.

On the home front everything is good. Pablo is stripped and still thinks he's the man. He has been very wingey over the last couple of days and I can't work out why. We have played so many games, hidden treats and his normal big walks. We had my friends' dog to stay last weekend and Stu thinks he may be looking for company. He meets and plays with so many other other dogs everyday, but I suppose it's not the same as snuggling up at home.

I have been bitten by a nasty mosquito, I know, who'd have thought it in Paisley! But there seems to be a family of them living in our back garden. It is right on my ankle bone and is soooo itchy and swollen, yuk!
So my things to do today are:
List some more jewellery on Etsy
Tidy my desk
Take a note of my stats for the day
Make up some new earrings
Do a spot of online shopping (I have my eye on this top)
Show my little garden a bit of love. I have lettice to plant and some beans!
Do some sketches for the commission
What are your plans for today?
Oh Pablo definitely needs a friend! Two dogs are actually easier than one as they do keep each other company and entertained - perhaps you could get him a little girlfriend??? :-) x
Oh yes a girlfriend for Pablo...oh to be in love :O)
Boy you have been busy! Your new pieces look fantastic and I wish you all very best with your creations.
Love L xx
that necklace is so pretty!
I think Pablo may be wanting company. My old dog Sam lived happily with our two cats for many years until they both succumbed to old age and since they've been gone he's definitely become more clingy and fussy. So maybe a kitten or another dog?
Looking forward to seeing some sketches and news of Pablo . . .
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