Having a lovely weekend, made soup, veggie currie, cards and 3 braceletes and even managed to sqeeze in a bit of shopping today. We were on our way to B&Q tonight when we remembered seeing one of our local hardware shops was having a closing down sale. BARGINS GALORE! I got 3 x storage tubs for my beads, 20 paint tester pots for £3!!, and beautiful Christmas decorations.

This beautiful star is one of a set of 4, bargin of the day, £2! I am going to make a feature of them on my fire place.

Bobbles galore! I am going to use the small ones for my tiny tree and use the larger gold and burgandy ones in a vase. I have been using my glitter glue to decorate some of the larger ones but they look a bit ropey at the moment so I'll need to think carefully about the designs.

And this was only 50p so I had to have it! It has really put me in the mood and I am really looking forward to start decorating and getting into the spirit of things. It was all helped along by a recent issue of the Ideal Homes magazine which is full of beautiful ideas and goodies and I plan to make my own versions. We also watched "Elf" tonight, it was so funny and cheesey but made me feel warm inside. So when I have my place all done I'll take some photos to let you all see.
1 comment:
Wow!! It looks like you are so busy and productive!! Well done! :) I love your color scheme! I think it will look so good! Also, just to let you know, Target is selling lots of brown and gold ornaments! They are all so cute! You should check them out!
Hope all is well!
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